Driving under the influence of drugs

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Driving under the influence of drugs

Driving under the influence of drugs is a serious offense that can have disastrous consequences for road safety. Unfortunately, many people continue to drive after consuming illicit substances, thereby endangering their lives and those of other road users. In this text, we will examine the legal consequences of driving under the influence of drugs, the risks to road safety, and the measures taken by authorities to combat this scourge.

Driving under the influence of drugs: a serious offense

Driving under the influence of drugs is considered a serious offense by Swiss law. According to Article 31 of the Federal Road Traffic Act (LCR), “a driver who, under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication, is no longer able to drive with the required prudence is punished.” The term “drugs” refers to all illicit substances, including cannabis, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, MDMA, and other synthetic drugs.
Driving under the influence of drugs can be detected in various ways. Firstly, the police can stop a driver who is suspected of being intoxicated or high. In such cases, the driver must undergo a drug screening test to confirm or refute their consumption of illicit substances. Additionally, the police can also detect the offense in case of a road accident. In such instances, a drug screening test will also be conducted to determine if the driver was under the influence of drugs at the time of the accident.

Legal and penal consequences

In Switzerland, driving under the influence of narcotics is a crime that is severely punished by law. Sanctions can range from a fine to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.
In the event of an offense, the driver faces a fine that can reach several thousand francs. Furthermore, their driving license will be suspended for a minimum period of three months. The suspension can be extended to several years, depending on the gravity of the offense and the driver’s behavior.

In cases of repeat offenses, the sanctions are more severe. The driver risks imprisonment, a higher fine, and a longer driving license suspension. In the event of a road accident, the driver can also be held responsible for damages caused to third parties and may have to compensate the victims.

Additionally, the driver is required to pay expenses related to the procedure, such as legal fees, attorney fees, and toxicology expert fees. These expenses can amount to several thousand francs, resulting in severe financial consequences for the driver.

Preventive measures

To avoid offenses related to drugs while driving, it is important to take preventive measures. Swiss authorities have implemented several measures to combat driving under the influence of drugs.
Firstly, road checks are intensified. Police officers are equipped with saliva tests that can detect the presence of drugs in drivers’ blood. The tests are random and can be conducted at any time of the day or night.

In addition, awareness and information campaigns are carried out to inform drivers about the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs. The aim of these campaigns is to make drivers aware of the risks involved and encourage them not to drive after consuming drugs.

Driving schools also play a crucial role in preventing drug-influenced driving. They must inform drivers about the risks and raise awareness of the need to respect laws and road rules.

In conclusion, driving under the influence of drugs is a serious offense that can lead to severe consequences for drivers, passengers, and other road users. Drug and driving laws vary from country to country, but it is universally recognized that driving under the influence of drugs is dangerous and illegal. As a lawyer, it is my responsibility to protect my clients’ rights and help them navigate the legal system. If you are accused of driving under the influence of drugs, it is important to immediately contact a lawyer specializing in drug-related driving cases to understand your options and defend your rights. Together, we can work to minimize the negative consequences of this situation and help you regain control of your life.

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