Employment Lawyer

Employment Lawyer

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Labor Lawyer in Geneva

Labor law contains all the rules applicable in the contractual relations between employees and their employers.

If the relationship between the person who entrusts the work and the person who performs it is characterized by a relationship of subordination by virtue of which the person who performs the task must comply with the directives of the person who entrusted it to him or her, we are in the presence of a contract governed by labour law.

This branch of law defines :

  • the different types of employment contracts that employers can offer their employees (i.e. fixed-term or open-ended contracts)
  • provisions relating to working hours
  • the rules to be respected in terms of health, safety and working conditions
  • the method of calculating the remuneration to be paid to an employee who works overtime
  • the conditions under which a dismissal may be decided and those that apply to a conventional termination of the employment contract
  • criminal sanctions applicable in the event of serious acts of which an employee is a victim (notably moral harassment)
    the functioning of the industrial tribunals, which are specialized in the treatment of disputes between employees and employers.

Labor Lawyer in Geneva

Therefore, if you have a dispute with your employer, an employment lawyer will be the most qualified person to defend your interests. The employment lawyer will be able to make your employer understand that he is in the wrong and that it is not in his interest to be recalcitrant given the sanctions he is exposed to, especially if the facts that you accuse him of constitute offences punishable by imprisonment. The same applies if, as an employer, you have a problem with one of your employees.

An initial consultation

from 60 min to CHF 220.00

Asses your situation with a specialized lawyer.

You only want an appointment to ask some questions?
Not sure what to do?
Is your situation unclear?

Opt for an initial consultation with a lawyer.

You will then decide if you wish to proceed and our lawyers will give you the cost of the procedure according to your case. Appointments available in person or by videoconference.

Take an appointment with a lawyer

Need a lawyer in Geneva?

Take an appointment now

by calling our secretariat or by filling out the form below. Appointments available in person or by videoconference.

+41 22 348 32 35

+41 22 348 32 35​

PBM Avocats – Law firm based in Geneva and Lausanne. Lawyers registered at the bars of Geneva and Vaud.

Our Team

PBM Avocats in Geneva

Boulevard Georges-Favon 26

1204 Genève

T. : +41 22 348 32 35

PBM Avocats in Geneva

Boulevard Georges-Favon 26

1204 Genève

T. : +41 22 348 32 35

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