Choosing a lawyer in Geneva

Choosing a lawyer in Geneva

Make an appointment with an avcoat

Find a Lawyer in Geneva

There are many alternatives for finding and choosing a lawyer. From the simplest to the most complex, nothing is ever too much trouble for clients who want to resolve a dispute in the best possible way and in the shortest possible time.

How to find a good lawyer in Geneva?

– Start with word of mouth

Le bouche-à-oreille est un moyen simple, mais rapide pour trouver un avocat qui vous aidera à résoudre un litige. All you have to do is ask people you know or know of who have already had to settle disputes and who have used the services of a lawyer. If they are satisfied with it, they will certainly recommend it to you. Be aware that word-of-mouth is useful, but is not a decisive factor in choosing a lawyer.

– Consult the Canton’s Bar Association

If you are looking for the right address to find a lawyer, the Lawyers’ House remains at your disposal. You will find a complete list of lawyers registered with the bar, with their availability and their respective areas of expertise. An online directory is also permanently available so that you can quickly find the lawyer you need by using the search features offered on the site.

– Make an appointment with a law firm

Generally, high profile firms only employ competent lawyers. So you can go to the law firm of your choice to find a lawyer who can meet your needs. We offer a first appointment at CHF 220.00 to answer your questions and to see how we can help you in your steps.

How to choose a lawyer in Geneva?

– Build on his skills

Choose your lawyer according to the type of case you are dealing with, such as a divorce.

– Take into account its availability

Availability is a crucial element in choosing a lawyer. If he or she cannot be reached when you have case material, he or she cannot be a good lawyer. Even if regular meetings do not take place, it is his duty to contact you by phone or e-mail to keep you informed of the progress of your case.

– Beware of “smooth talkers

To choose a lawyer well, pay attention to his or her actions during your first appointment. Above all, there is no question of dealing with a lawyer who guarantees you in advance that everything will be won. Surtout, il n’est pas question de faire affaire avec un avocat qui vous garantit à l’avance que tout sera gagné. Instead, choose a professional who listens to you, who takes the time to analyze your situation, and who makes proposals for collaboration in resolving the dispute in question.

How do you know if a lawyer is good?

One day, you are unfortunately the victim of a criminal offence or you have to face a dispute with an opponent who shows bad faith. You then realize that only a legal procedure will allow you to defend your interests. You may be wondering how to find a good lawyer.Finding a Good LawyerFirst of all, you should check whether the lawyer you plan to meet with is registered with the bar. To do this, simply check to see if it is listed on the Judicial Branch website. This registration demonstrates that he meets the legal requirements for representation that any lawyer has.

On the other hand, it is useful to check if the lawyer you think is competent is present on the Internet through his firm’s website or by contributing to a legal blog.

In addition, you should preferably choose a lawyer who specializes in the type of problem you will have to face in court. Thus, a criminal lawyer should be used if you are the victim of a crime and if you are confronted with a tenant who does not pay his rent, you should choose a lawyer specialized in real estate law. This choice is especially important if your problem is complex.

A smart way to find a good lawyer is to contact an association of people who have experienced similar problems to yours. Indeed, these associations are often in contact with lawyers who have proven their competence in the cases submitted to them.

To evaluate the competence of a lawyer, you can consult the website of your local bar association. You should also know that a lawyer who has been president of the Bar Council or president of the Bar has a good reputation in his profession, because his colleagues consider him competent.

Finally, you must take into account the professional expertise of the lawyer who offers you his services. So if you have a problem with the IRS, don’t hesitate to hire a lawyer who is a former tax inspector. Indeed, he is well aware of the weaknesses of the tax administrator and will not have much difficulty in having an abusive tax adjustment cancelled.

An initial consultation

from 60 min to CHF 220.00

Asses your situation with a specialized lawyer.

You only want an appointment to ask some questions?
Not sure what to do?
Is your situation unclear?

Opt for an initial consultation with a lawyer.

You will then decide if you wish to proceed and our lawyers will give you the cost of the procedure according to your case.Appointments available in person or by videoconference.

Take an appointment with a lawyer

Need a lawyer in Geneva?

Take an appointment now

by calling our secretariat or by filling out the form below. Appointments available in person or by videoconference.

+41 22 348 32 35

+41 22 348 32 35​

PBM Avocats – Law firm based in Geneva and Lausanne. Lawyers registered at the bars of Geneva and Vaud.

Our Team

PBM Avocats in Geneva

Boulevard Georges-Favon 26

1204 Genève

T. : +41 22 348 32 35

PBM Avocats in Geneva

Boulevard Georges-Favon 26

1204 Genève

T. : +41 22 348 32 35

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